Einfache Besten - Sudah lama saya tidak membuat posting di blog ini, itu karena kesibukan di dunia nyata. Baik, kali ini saya akan membagikan patch terbaru untuk PES 2013 dengan update tahun 2014/2015. Namanya adalah myPES Patch 2015 v1. Di patch ini sudah terupdate semua transfers, boots, faces, kits, balls, graphic menu yang baru, dan masih banyak lagi.
Featured In
- Included Data Pack 6.00
- Included PES 2013 Patch 1.04
- Updated relegated & promoted teams for all leagues (2014-2015)
- Added FULL Bundesliga (18 teams with correct kits, faces, squads & lineups)
- Updated Liga Sagres (18 teams with correct kits, faces, squads & lineups)
- Corrected leagues names, leagues balls and emblems
- Updated summer transfers
- Updated 2014 FIFA World Cup National teams (squads & lineups)
- Added new 2014-15 kits
- Added 2014 World Cup kits
- Added new faces
- Corrected fake player names for unlicensed National Teams
- Added new ballpacks
- Added new emerging clubs in all European leagues
- 2nd LEAGUE
- Added myPES League (18 teams from Spain, Italy, England, Germany and France)
- All the teams downlink in 2014 season. Like : Real Betis, Fulham and Bologna
- Added new menu and wallpapers
- Added new font
- Added new position icon
How to Install
- Kosongkan folder PES sobat dari segala macam patch/update. Hapus folder kitserver13
- Install patch ke direktori PES13 sobat.
- Mainkan game via myPES.exe yang terletak di folder instalasi.
- Jika option file/pemain masih lawas, download file ini dan ekstrak ke folder My Documents
Screenshots :
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