PES 2016 Yaku Gameplay Patch 1.0 + Database + Animations

PES 2016 Yaku Gameplay Patch 1.0 + Database + Animations – Versi terbaru dari Yaku PES 2016 gameplay patch ini bisa dibilang cukup lengkap. Di dalamnya tidak hanya terdapat update gamplay setting saja tapi juga database dan animasi.

PES 2016 Yaku Gameplay Patch 1.0 + Database + Animations

1. dt10_win (Database): Have been improved to run with dt12 and dt18 moded.

2. dt12_win (Animations): First mod for PES 2016 in this .cpk Animations have been fixed and improved, running perfectly with DP 3.0 installed and Official Patch 1.04.
-Animations improved in Celebrations, Fouls and Repetitions.

3. dt18_win (Gameplay Settings):
-Ball physics have been reworked
-IA have been improved, intelligence increased.
-AI feints and long shoots
-Better optimization
-Improved goalkeepers response.
-Improve the movement of players (IA/P1)
-Offside more real
-Better Pennalty and Fouls
-Referees have been improved
-Power in shots have been improved
-Players positions have been improved

Cara pakai : Copy the folder in the game directory - ... \ Pro Evolution Soccer 2016 \. game run from Yaku v1.0.exe.


from Patch PES Terbaru

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